Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Not Doing What You Need?

If you are spending too much time in, or spending too much to out you need to really think about why you are doing that. When it is about your health, it is important to do what is best for you health. Ask yourself why you are no doing it.

But there are times when you really do not have a choice. I had two children to raise so I had to go back to work every time I had the chance. But was it worth it? I would be able to work about two years before I would be told that I had to quite so that they didnt have to let me go for not being happy enough. That might sound fishy and maybe I could have fought keeping my jobs if I had known about being highly sensitive, but I only knew that I was a cry baby and I could not get myself happy enough for anyone.

A lot of the cases it is that we are expected to be like everyone else and about to work just as long, just as hard, and be like them. I am not like the non-HSP's and no matter how hard I try, I will never be. Now that I know about being a HSP I am trying to adjust what I am doing. But the thoughts are still in my head that I should be doing more, be more 'normal' but this is jeopardizing my health.

I need to slow down and think about my health. I need to stop working until bed time. I need to start taking a day off each week and taking time off, a whole week a couple of times a year. I am not normal, I am me and I love and am accepting me as I am. I can physically work just as hard and as long as anyone else can, but this is not good for me for I get overwhelmed with all that is going on around me. My central nervous system can not take all the information it is taking in.

This is about my and your health and we need to take care of ourselves because no one is going to do it for us.

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