Friday, June 28, 2013

Shutting Out Sound

Sounds, since we can not close our ears, sounds are hard to shut out. Covering your ears with your hands makes it hard to do anything else. But they do have a lot of new and old things that will help when we are being overwhelmed by the noise around us.
One is to carry earplugs. I worked in a factory a while ago and we didn't have to wear them, but I believe it would have been better for me if I had. The foam ones are great, they roll in you fingers, are places in your ears and then fatten up in the ears to fit.
With new technology, there are phones that can be turned of or you can use ring tones that are much gentler. There are apps. that can be used on your cell phone that create white noise or sounds of nature to drown out other noise. These phones are also great for listening to music when you need to. I use to listen to music while on the bus. I could concentrate on the words to the songs and not see the bus get more crowded as we made stops along the way.
If you can, you can soundproof your home. This is hard to do when living in apartments, but there might be other ways to go about it. Even if it is putting up a fake wall. We can ask or move to quieter corners when we are out.
One thing I have done for years is sort of downing out the sounds. It started out just daydreaming. And then I just started concentrating on what I was doing to the point that I was not really hearing what was going on around me. This helps with trying to change the thoughts about the sound to, putting your might on something else so that the anger of the sound being a bother is not in the front part of your thoughts. This is not easy, but if you can do it, it does help.

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