Sunday, June 16, 2013

Why Do I Feel So Different?

Here are some points that Elaine Aron would like us to remember:

1. Overstimulation means Overarousal. We all get overwhelmed whether we are HSP or not.

2. It's important to maintain an optimal level of arousal. We all need to find the center, not being underwhelmed or overwhelmed.

3. HPSs are more easily overaroused. Those of us who are HSPs are more aware of subtleties around us and therefor become overwhelmed more quickly.

4. Sensitivity is not our culture's ideal. The world is a high competitive and consumer-driven place to live. This is too high level of stimulation for HSPs.

5. HSPs are more affected than others by being raised in bad home environment. Depression or anxiety is not the basic trait of an HSP. We can be healed.

We have to speak up in defense of being Highly Sensitive, therefor we need to have answers when we have both inner and outer critics pointing out that we are not what the world thinks we should be. We are told that we are 'too sensitive', you are too shy, that we are always sad or not happy enough. There are many mislabeling we hear from others or even in our heads. So I am writing responses to some of  the mislabels.

Mislabel: "You are Not Happy enough!"

I can understand that you misunderstand my feelings because I do not have a smile on my face all the time, but this does not mean I am not happy. I am just in deep thought. I tend to process the information around me deeply and may have a serious look on my face.

Mislabel: "You are too emotional and should see someone about depression and go on meds."

 Depression and Anxiety are both chemical imbalance in the brain where being highly sensitive or sensory processing sensitivity is when the central nervous system processes extra information and is overwhelmed. This can be fixed by removing myself from the situation and will be better in a few hours where as depression last for days, weeks and longer. 

I hope this was helpful and maybe you to can write down some mislabels and answer them with words that are kind and explain who we really are.

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