Monday, June 17, 2013

Your Sensing Self

I think this was and is the hardest part for me. I have ignored listening to what my body has been yelling at me for as long as I can remember. As a high sensitive person, I have always been sensitive to pain, but I was also quiet about it. Even to this day my mother has no idea about some of the pain I was in. Many people might have seen the tears but that only covered some of the pain I was in.

Then a few years ago, I was so stressed that I was in serous danger but even I didn't know how bad. I thought I had a reasons for the signs my body was screaming at me. Chest pain, gas, headaches, cramps and more. I thought I was lactose intolerance, mother nature, and other things that people go through. 

When I walked away form that life, it all went away. It was all stress, fear, trauma and anger that even the tears I cried could not relieve. I tried so hard to do what I thought those around me wanted. I turned off listening to my body to make others happy. This left me in a lot of pain.

For a year, I have been trying to let go of all the pain and stress and try to listen to what my body is trying to tell me. I no longer have the screams, but I need to learn to listen to the whispers my body is doing. Even now, I am still learning to listen. 

In Elaine's workbook she has listed some points that we can do that will help us listen to what our bodies and minds are trying to say to us. I feel it is much like meditation where you listen within and not cutting everything off. I have been doing this and will continue.

From her workbook p. 22, 23:

1. Be in a place where you won't be disturbed.
2. Give your attention to the sensations.
3. Let your attention shift to whatever sensation is strongest in the moment.
4. Let whatever you are attending to change if it wants to.
5. Spend as much time as you want at this.
6. When you are done, acknowledge the self-healing power you have.
7. Make notes below of anything you especially noticed.

This is a big step to healing. 

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